made up of muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia...You get the point, there's a lot of stuff
in this system that makes it possible for you to walk or run from point A to point B.
When a bone in the spine is out of place, due to an injury to a ligament or muscle, for
instance, it can affect the nervous system within your spine, which in turn can adversely
affect your entire nervous system. Since the nervous system overlaps with nearly every
other system (respiratory, digestive, circulatory, etc.), it can in turn create imbalance
throughout your body. Without treatment, you become susceptible to other problems,
leading in some cases, to chronic disorders down the road.
To begin the healing, Dr. Ford utilizes modalities and techniques such as myofascial
release, post isometric stretch techniques, and traction. He complements these
techniques with ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation physiotherapy modalities.
Then he helps to stimulate your body to heal with suggested herbs and supplements.
Therefore, what a Chiropractor does is work to eliminate the cause of an out-of-balance
system, which is simply a bone that is out of place. Dr. Ford accomplishes this by moving
that bone into proper alignment so that your body can innately restore itself to a state
of pain-free balance. Coupled with the use of these modalities and techniques,
complemented with natural herbs and supplements, Dr. Ford keeps your body in proper
alignment in order heal and prevent future pain and injury.